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Good Thinking has worked with members of London’s Rastafari community to create mental wellbeing resources that align with Rastafari teachings.
With the support of organisations such as Rastafari Movement UK and the Nyabinghi National Council UK, Good Thinking has produced a guide and a series of videos to help members of London’s Rastafari community boost their wellbeing.
Once you’ve read Good Thinking’s ‘Seven ways to good mental wellbeing & Rastafari’ guide, you might like to watch our short videos that contain inspiring messages from two members of London’s Rastafari community.
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on economic wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on educational wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on food and wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on physical wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on social wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on spiritual wellbeing
Sistah Azuka, Rastafari Movement UK, and Aklila Kedan on universal wellbeing