Approved by
When you’re at university, it’s not always obvious what you should do if you have any concerns about your health. We recommend the free Student Health App, which contains over 900 pages of reliable health information, including mental health advice.
The app was co-created by practising doctors and students and has been approved as a trusted source by the NHS. And it works offline so, once you’ve downloaded it, you don’t even need an internet connection to access the app content.
How could it help me?
What do people say about it?
"Very clear and easy to understand." – Student
"Students need to be able to access credible help fast. The Student Health App provides all of this, on a wide range of topics, from mental and sexual health through to emergencies and travel. They shouldn't leave home without it." – Dr Dominique Thompson, National Student Health and Wellbeing Expert
"I would recommend this to my friends. I think everyone should have access to quick medical info and this app helps with that!" – Student
Where can I get it?
You can download the free Student Health App from the App Store or Google Play.
This app should not be used by young people under the age of 18, people with a chronic health condition who need tailored health advice or people living outside of the UK.