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Meditainment is a unique blend of guided meditation and visualisation, enhanced with relaxing music and authentic sounds of nature that leads you on a fantastical multi-meditation journey, discovering imaginative audio-guided adventures that promote better mental health and wellbeing in an enjoyable and exciting way.
You’ll be led through three modules, each taking four weeks to complete. The focus is on the journey rather than the finish line. You will be enticed and encouraged to meditate for the immediate enjoyment of it. Every meditation a journey in itself, each taking you to a unique visualised destination including, Fantasy Island, Secret Garden, Lost City, and many more. The program is on-demand and you can complete it at your own pace.
Meditation is widely recognised as one of the best stress relievers and mood boosters, with growing evidence supporting its benefit to both mental and physical health. Some benefits can be felt immediately after meditating, including slower calmer breathing, released feelings of stress, or drifting into a natural sleep. Benefits over the long term can include reduced blood pressure and pain, less stress and anxiety, a more positive outlook and increased motivation and zest for life.
Your journey meditations are as easy-to-follow as listening to a relaxing story with your eyes closed and you will have access to them for life. All you need to do is sit back, close your eyes, and enjoy your journey.
“Meditainment is simply brilliant. It’s my go-to space for a mind, mood and body refreshment boost. Stick with the program, it works. There are other meditation programs, I’ve tried many. Meditainment is the one that works for me.”
Flexible web-based program compatible with all desktop and mobile devices
Noticeably improve your mental health and wellbeing
See your progress with assessments taken at the start, middle, and end of the program
Track your feelings over time to notice any trends and changes
Enjoyably embed a regular meditation practice
Gain meditation skills and knowledge to help manage your mental health in the long term
Access the meditations from the program for life
Regular meditation practice is the key to the best results
The program takes 12-weeks; the focus being on the journey itself