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Be Mindful is a clinical-grade digital treatment program that delivers all the elements of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) – the clinically established form of mindfulness therapy. Created specifically for recurrent depression to prevent relapse episodes, MBCT is a powerful method for improving and maintaining good mental health long-term.
You’ll be led through four themed modules, comprising of pre-recorded video-led sessions and mindfulness assignments, with accompanying motivational emails. Each module takes one week and involves 1-2 hours video instruction and a recommended 30-mins a day of meditation practice. The program is on-demand, and you can complete it at your own pace.
Mindfulness is a mind-body approach to life that can benefit most people. Be Mindful is effective as a preventative, an early intervention, and a clinical treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress. Some time and motivation are required to achieve the most benefit. You can take part at your own pace and have access to the learnt techniques and tools from the program for life.
MBCT is usually only delivered in a face-to-face or group setting. With Be Mindful you can access this highly effective therapy in your own time and space. Over the course of the program with your commitment, you can expect to noticeably improve your mental health and wellbeing and gain the skills and knowledge to maintain good mental health in the long term.
“Be Mindful has definitely helped me to manage stress better and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. It’s been very helpful to have the structure of the course to help me keep going and develop new habits. Amazing that it is available for free!” – Kate, Good Thinking Participant - Nov 2023
Flexible web-based program compatible with all desktop and mobile devices
Noticeably improve your mental health and wellbeing
Proven effective by published clinical studies
See your progress with assessments taken at the start and end of the program
Gain skills and knowledge to manage your mental health in the long term
Access the learnt techniques and tools from the program for life
Some time and commitment to the program are required to achieve the most benefit
Regular practice is the key to the best results
MBCT is not suitable for people with PTSD without prior consultation with a healthcare professional