For many Londoners, summer is their favourite season. It’s a time to relax, spend time with loved ones and (hopefully!) get outside in the sunshine. According to one survey, things that make people happy in the summer include BBQs, sporting events and not having to wear a coat.
But warmer days can also be stressful. A seasonal illness, such as hay fever, might be getting you down. If you’re a parent, you might be juggling childcare and worrying about money. Or you might be affected by heat stress, which can make you feel angry or depressed.
To help you boost your mental health this summer, here are Good Thinking’s top tips based on the five ways to good mental wellbeing (with an additional tip about sleep).
Useful Good Thinking resources
- Advice about sleep, anxiety, stress and low mood
- Five ways to good mental wellbeing
- Five ways to good mental wellbeing for faith communities
- Free NHS-approved wellbeing apps
- Getting better sleep workbook
- Good Thinking meets... The Great London Friendship Project
- How to connect with nature to boost your wellbeing
- How to develop a healthy new habit
- How to use journaling to boost your mental health